Hello, my name is Hugo Garza

I’m a polyglot, entrepreneur, and I’m passionate about international politics and diplomacy. 

I grew up at the McAllen, Texas – Reynosa border between Mexico and the United States.

My first travel bug hit me right after high school when I won a study abroad scholarship for the summer in Belgium at a French language competition. 

2 years later, I pursued another life changing study abroad program in Austria. After having an incredible year living and traveling in Europe, North Africa, and Asia, I knew I wanted to continue traveling and learning languages.  


In 2016, graduated from the University of New Orleans with a major in international studies focusing on diplomacy and international organizations.

With the goal of better understanding the language and politics of the major world powers, in particular the 5 permanent members of the UN Security council; I pursued a master’s degree in Chinese politics and economy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and graduated in 2019.

I made this website to share my own methods as well as ideas related to language learning and other topics.

Hugo A. Garza